Parish Pastoral Council Mission Statement To exercise guidance and stewardship in the administration of all Parish activities, thereby assisting and advising the Parish Priest in his principal role as spiritual and administrative leader of our parish community.
Purposes or Aims 1. assist the people of God, in union with their Pastor/Administrator/Parish Priest to exercise their role in living out and witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. set an example of unity and cooperation to both the parish and the entire community. 3. bring all the elements of the parish together in order to foster the spiritual growth of all parish members and to build the parish as a living Christian community. 4. exercise guidance and stewardship in the administration of all Parish activities, thereby assisting and advising the Pastor in his principal role as spiritual and administrative leader of our parish community.
Constitution of the Parish Pastoral Council Click on the PDF icon to open and read the Constitution of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Constitution of the Parish Pastoral Council 2023.pdf
Objectives The objectives of the Council derive from the Purposes, and centre around promoting pastoral activity for the overall good of the parish. They are: 1. assist the pastor in identifying the needs of the faithful, and in planning appropriate responses to those needs. 2. procure within the community the resources, human and otherwise, needed to implement those responses. 3. work in support of, and in cooperation with, all other legitimate parish organizations and structures, so as to encourage all and enhance the Christian life of the parish.
There are currently 5 members on the Parish Pastoral Council (April 15, 2024).