Greetings from Father George and the Parish Pastoral Council.
On behalf of our parish community, we welcome you to St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Parish. It is our joy and pleasure to greet you as a new member of our parish family.
St. Gregory the Great Parish has been serving the people of Prince Edward County for over 130 years. We support the students of St. Gregory Catholic School, and the broader community through outreach ministries such as the St. Vincent de Paul Committee, our Pastoral Care Ministry and the Catholic Women’s League. Other ministries exist in our parish that support the celebration of Mass and the spiritual well being of our parishioners.
The Eucharist is the central focus of our parish. We welcome your participation at our Masses:
Weekend: Saturday at 5 pm, and Sunday at 10 am Weekday: Tuesday through Thursday at 12:30 pm (unless otherwise announced) Friday at 8:30 am (followed by Exposition and Adoration)
St. Frances of Rome located in Wellington is our summer mission church. Masses are celebrated at 11:30 am only during the months of May through to October.
We welcome and appreciate the involvement of all parishioners, longtime members and new, as we go forward as dedicated intentional disciples of Christ. We all possess different gifts and talents that may be shared in building up our worship, parish life, outreach, formation and administration ministries. Kindly consider how your God-given talents may support our common mission and vision.
Please know that we welcome you with our prayers, hearts and open arms. We are here to love and serve you. We invite you to come and visit our parish anytime and look forward to meeting you in person. Please feel free to stop by our parish office (hours are typically from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Tuesday to Thursday) or call the parish office at 613-476-6276 if you require information or assistance. Please don't forget to register with the Parish; forms can be found at the back of the church.
Yours faithfully in Christ, Rev. Father George Okoye, SMMM